
Sune Svanberg (特聘)

365体育平台/研究人员2016-02-25 17:46:02来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文


Sune Svanberg,特聘教授(part-time)
Sune Svanberg,光及电磁波研究中心首席科学家。瑞典皇家科学院和工程院两院院士,比利时等国的外籍院士、美国物理学会和光学学会Fellow。诺贝尔物理奖委员会委员,瑞典隆德技术研究所原子物理学部负责人,隆德大学教授,曾任隆德激光中心主任。现任华南师范大学先进光电子研究院特聘教授(part-time)、博士生导师。
    (1) 激光雷达 (LIDAR,Light Detection And Ranging).
    (2) 生物医学光学(Biomedical Optics).
    (3) 气体散射介质吸收光谱(Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy,GASMAS).
1. L. Pantani, G. Cecchi, D. Lognoli, I. Mochi, V. Raimondi, D. Tirelli, M. Trambusti, G. Valmori, P. Weibring, H. Edner, T. Johansson, and S. Svanberg, Lithotypes Characterization with a Fluorescence Lidar Imaging System using a Multi-Wavelength Excitation Source, Proc. SPIE 4886 , 151 (2003).
2. D. Lognoli, G. Cecchi, L. Pantani, V. Raimondi,  R. Chiari, Th. Johansson, P. Weibring, H. Edner and S. Svanberg, Fluorescence  Lidar Imaging of the Parma Cathedral and Batistery, Appl. Physics B 76 , 1 (2003).
3. P. Weibring, H. Edner and S. Svanberg, Vers atile Mobile Lidar System for Environmental Monitoring,  Applied Optics 42 , 3583 (2003).
4. H.L. Xu, Z.K. Jiang and S. Svanberg, Lifetime Measurements in Neutral Erbium using Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy, Phys. Scripta 67, 64 (2003).
5. G. Cecchi, M. Bazzani, C. Cucci, D. Lognoli, I. Mochi, L. Pantani,V. Raimondi, R. Carlà, R. Cappadona, B. Breschi, D. Novelli , T. Johansso n, P. Weibring, H. Edner, and S. Svanberg, Probing the Marine Environment with Fluorescence Lidars - Evaluation of Three Fluorosensors in a Field Campaign,  CNR Scientific Report RR/OST/01.03 (2003).
6. S. Svanberg, Laser Spectroscopy in Development, Europhysics News 33 , March/April 2002, p. 52.
7. I. W?ngberg, H. Edner,  R. Ferrara, E. Lanzillotta,J. Munthe, J. Sommar, S. Svanberg, M. Sj?holm,  and P. Weibring, Mercury Emissions from a Chlor-alkali Plant in Sweden, Science of the Total Env.  304, 29 (2003).
8. J. Johansson, S. Folestad, M. Josefson, A. Sparén, C. Abrahamsson, S. Andersson-Engels and  S. Svanberg, Time-Resolved NIR/VIS Spectroscopy for  Analysis of Solids: Pharmaceutical Tablets,Appl. Spectrosc.  56 , 725 (2002).
9. Z.G. Zhang, S. Svanberg. P. Palmeri, P. Quinet and E. Biemont, Measurement of Lifetimes by Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Determination of Transition Probabilities of Astrophysical Interest in Nd III, Astron. Astrophys. 385, 724 (2002).
10. Z.G. Zhang, S. Svanberg, P. Quinet, P. Palmeri and E. Biemont, Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Multiply Ionized Atoms – Natural Radiative Lifetimes in Ce IV, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 273001 (2001).
11. S. Svanberg, Some Applications of Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Biology and Medicine, Meas. Sci. Technology 12 , 1777 (2001).
12. S. Svanberg, Electromagnetic Radiation in Scattering Media – Spectroscopic Aspects, in  Progress in Nonlinear Science , Vol II, Ed. A.G. Litvak (Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod, N. Novgorod, 2002) p.429.
13. S.Svanberg, Geophysical Gas Monitoring using Optical  Techniques: Volcanoes, Geothermal Fields and Mines, Optics and Lasers in Engineering  37 , 245 (2002).
14. S. Svanberg, Environmental and Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy, Proc. 1st Saudi Science Conference: Chemistry (KFUPM  Press, Dhahran 2001), p. 9.
15. G. Somesfalean, M. Sj?holm, J. Alnis, C. af Klinteberg, S. Andersson-Engels and  S. Svanberg, Concentration measurement of gas imbedded in scattering media employing time and spatially resolved techniques, Appl. Optics 41, 3538 (2002).
16. L. Pantani, G. Ballerini. G, Cecchi, E. Edner, D. Lognoli, T. Johansson, V. Raimondi, S. Svanberg, P. Tiano, L. Tomaselli and P. Weib ring, Experiments on stony monument monitoring by laser-induced fluorescence, J. Cult. Heritage 1 , 345 (2000).
17. P. Weibring, Th. Johansson, H. Edner, and S. Svanberg, B. Sundnér, V. Raimondi, G. Cecchi, and L. Pantani, Fluorescence Lidar Imaging of Historical Monuments, Applied Optics 40, 6111 (2001).
18. M. Sj?holm, G. Somesfalean, J. Alnis, S. Andersson-Engels, and S. Svanberg, Analysis of Gas Dispersed in Scattering Solids and Liquids, Opt. Lett. 26, 16 (2001).
19. U. Gustafsson, J. Sandsten, and S. Svanberg, Simultaneous Detection of Methane, Oxygen and Water Vapour Utilizing Near-Infrared Diode Lasers in Conjunction with Difference Frequency Generation, Appl. Phys. B  71 , 853 (2000).
20. U. Gustafsson, G. Somesfalean, J. Alnis and S.Svanberg, Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy with Blue Diode Lasers, Appl. Optics 39 , 3774 (2000).
21. J. Alnis, U. Gustafsson, G. Somesfalean and S. Svanberg, Sum-frequency Generation with a Blue Diode Laser for Mercury Spectroscopy at 254 nm, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 , 1234 (2000).
22. P. Weibring, G. Cecchi, H. Edne r, T. Johansson, L. Pantani,  V. Raimondi, B. Sundnér, and   S. Svanberg, Non Destructive Control of Historical Buildings by Fluorescence Lidar, Proc.   6th Int. Conf. on Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural ane Environmenta l Heritage, Rome May 17-20, 1999, p. 431.
23. P. Weibring, H. Edner, S. Svanberg, G. Cecchi,  L. Pantani, R. Ferrara and T. Caltabiano, Monitoring of Volcanic Sulphur Dioxide Emissions using Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL), Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) and Correlation Spectroscopy (COSPEC), Appl. Phys. B. 67, 419 (1998).
24. R. Ferrara, B. Mazzolai, H. Edner, S. Svanberg , and  E. Wallinder, Atmo spheric Mercury Sources in the Mt. Amiata Area, Italy, Science Total Envir.  213, 13 (1998).
25. P. Weibring, M. Andersson, H. Edner and S. Svanberg, Remote Monitoring of Industrial Emissions by Combination of Lidar and Plume Velocity Measurements, Appl. Phys. B66, 383 (1998).
26. M. Andersson, G. Cecchi, H. Edner, J. Johansson, L. Pantani, V. Raimondi, B. Sundnér, S. Svanberg and P. Weibring, Joint Experiment on Remote Sensing of Stony Monuments by Imaging Fluorescence Lidars, CNR-IROE Report RR/TLA/08.97 (1997).
27. S. Svanberg, High Power Lasers and their Applications,  Adv.  Quant. Chem.  30, 209 (1998).
28. K. Herrlin, C. Tillman, M. Gr?tz, C. Olsson, H. Pettersson, G. Svahn, C.-G. Wahlstr?m and    S.Svanberg, Contrast-Enhanced Radiography by Differential Absorption Using a Laser-Produced X-ray Source, Invest. Radiology 32 , 306 (1997).
29. S. Svanberg, New Developments in Laser Medicine, Phys. Scr. T72 , 69 (1997).
30. T. Starczewski, J. Steingruber, S. Borgstr?m,  U. Litzén, E. Fill, C.-G. Wahlstr?m and S. Svanberg, Spectroscopic Studies in the Soft X-ray Region Using a Femtosecond Terawatt Laser, IOP Conf. Ser. 151, 237 (1996).
31. M. Andersson, H. Edner, J. Johansson, S. Svanberg, E. Wallinder and P. Weibring, Remote Sensing of the Environment using Laser Radar Techniques, in Atomic Physics Methods in Modern Research, K. Jungmann, J. Kowalski, I. Reinhardt and F. Tr?ger (eds), Springer-Verlag, 1997, p. 257.
32. S. Svanberg, Real-world Applications of Laser Spectroscopy, Opt. Photonics News, Sept. 1996, p.
33. P. Engst, F. Janouch, J. Keder, M. Andersson, H. Edner, M. Hessman S. Svanberg and E. Wallinder, Co Dokaze LIDAR: Strucna Zprava z Mereni Ovzdusi v Ceske Republice Ceskoslovensky Casopis pro Fyiku 45 , 216 (1995). (in Czech).
34. S. Svanberg, M. Gr?tz, K. Herrlin, I. Mercer, A. Persson, C. Tillman, and C.-G. Wahlstr?m, Application of Ultrashort X-Ray Pulses to Biological and Medical Imaging, Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, O. Svelto, S. de Silvresti and G. Denardo (eds), Plenum, N.Y. 1996, p. 483.
35. S. Svanberg, M. Andersson, P. Andersson, H. Edner, J. Johansson, R. Ferrara, E. Maserti, G. Cecchi, L. Pantani, P. Mazzinghi, L. Alberotanza, R. Cioni and T. Caltabiano, Laser Monitoring of the Environment, Laser Spectro scopy XII, Eds M. Inguscio, M. Allegrini and A. Sasso (World Scientific, Singapore 1996), p. 423.
36. S. Svanberg, Chemical Sensing with Laser Spectroscopy, Sensors and Actuators B33, 1 (1996).
37. S. Svanberg, Fluorescence Lidar Monitoring of Vegetation Status, Phys. Scripta T58 , 79 (1995).
38. H. Edner, P. Ragnarson, S. Svanberg, E. Wallinder, R. Ferra ra, R. Cioni, B. Raco and G. Taddeucci, Total Fluxes of Sulphur Dioxide from the Italian Volcanoes Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano Measured by Differential Absorption Lidar and Passive Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy, J. Geophys. Res.  99 , 18827 (1994).
39. S. Svanberg, S. Andersson-Engels, R. Berg, S. Borgstr?m, J. Carlsson, B. Erlandsson, H.M. Hertz, J. Larsson, A. Persson, W. Persson, S. -G. Pettersson, T. Starczewski, C. Tillman, C.-G.Wahlstr?m, R. Zerne, K. Herrlin, C. Olsson, H. Pettersson, G. Svahn, P.Balcou, A. L'Huillier, P. Salieres, M.H.R. Hutchinson, J.W.G. Tisch and R.A. Smith, Applications of Terawatt Lasers, T.F. Gallagher (ed.), Laser Spectroscopy XI (1994).
40. H. Edner, J. Johansson, S. Svanberg and E. Wallinder, Fluorescence Lidar Multi-Color Imaging of Vegetation, Appl. Optics 33 , 2471 (1994).
41. S.Svanberg, Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL), in Air Monitoring by Spectroscopic Techniques, M. Sigrist (ed), Wiley, N.Y. 1994.
42. H. Edner, P. Ragnarson, S. Svanberg and E. Wallinder, Remote Sensing of Pollutant Fluxes using Differential Absorption Lidar, Houston, 1992.
43. L. Baert, R. Berg, B. Van Damme, M.A. d'Hallewin, J. Johansson, K. Svanberg and S. Svanberg, Clinical Fluorescence Diagnosis of Human Bladder Carcinoma Following Low-Dose Photofrin Injection, SPIE 1525 , 1991, p. 385.
44. K. Svanberg and S. Svanberg, Laser Sp ectroscopy in Medicine, La Recherche  255, 686 (1993).
45. S. Svanberg, Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy, Physica Scripta T26, 90 (1989).
46. S. Svanberg, Laser Spectroscopy Applied in Energy, Environmental and Medical Research, Appl. Phys. B46, 271 (1988).
47. S. Svanberg, Medical Diagnostics using Laser-Induced Fluorescence, Phys. Scripta  T19 , 469 (1987).
48. S. Svanberg, G.Y. Yan, T.P. Duffey, W.M. Du, T.W. H?nsch and A.L. Schawlow, Saturation Spectroscopy for Optically Thick Atomic Samples, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B4, 462 (1987).
49. S. Svanberg, G.Y. Yan, T.P. Duffey and A.L. Schawlow, High-Contrast Doppler-Free Transmission Spectroscopy, Opt. Lett. 11, 138 (1986).
50. S. Svanberg, Laser Technology in Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring, in B.C. Tan (ed.), Applied Physics - Laser and Plasma Technology (World Science, Singapore 1985) p. 528 – 548.
51. S. Svanberg, Perturbations in Rydberg Sequences Probed by Lifetime, Zeeman-effect and Hyperfine-Structure Measurements, Laser Spectroscopy V, ed. by A.R.W. McKellar, T. Oka, B.P. Stoicheff (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1981) p. 301.
1. Gas correlation lidar (H. Edner, S. Svanberg, L. Unéus, W. Wendt). Swedish patent SE 450 913, European patent EP 190280, WO 8601295
2. Active flash-lamp-based system  for measurements of air pollutants (H. Edner, S. Svanberg, L. Unéus, W. Wendt) Swedish patent application SE 8502705
3. Multi-colour fluorescence imaging (S. Montán, S. Svanberg). Swedish patent SE 455 646. US patent 4,786,813
4. Imaging fluorescence diagnostic system -  Multi-colour imaging using prism deflection (S. Svanberg), Swedish patent application 9302147-5
5. Imaging fluorescence device with tuneable detection (S. Svanberg, S. Montán)  Swedish patent application  9301313-4
6. Diagnosis by means of fluorescent light emission from tissue (S. Andersson-Engels,  J. Johansson, U. Stenram, K. Svanberg, S. Svanberg), Swedish patent, US patent 5,115,137
7. Fluorescence diagnostics of cancer using  δ-amino levulinic acid (R. Berg, J. Johansson, K. Svanberg, S. Svanberg), Swedish patent application 9103837-2, International patent application PCT/SE92/00879
8. Detectors for separation processes (S. Birnbaum, J. Johansson, P.O. Larsson, A. Miyabayashi, K. Mosbach, S. Nilsson, S. Svanberg, K.G. Wahlund) Swedish patent SE 9201089,  European patent 666982, US patent 5627643
9. Colour Night Vision (S. Svanberg, J. Johansson), Swedish Patent SE 468 414, US

标签:#Sune #Svanberg #(特聘)